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2023 Workshops at The Art House Milton

Dates for 2023 workshops with Juz have been confirmed and promise to expand your creativity, artistic practice and understanding of working with clay bodies of all kinds. Join us to explore the possibilities.

  • March 5th-March 18th - Bali workshop - Outside the Boundaries

Registration and more information here

Please contact The Art House Milton for more details.

There are workshops designed especially for kids too.


Outside the Boundaries: a 13-day workshop in Ubud, Bali

A rare opportunity to spend 13 days working alongside Juz Kitson will unfold in beautiful Ubud, Bali, from March 5th-18th 2023. Participants will explore the island’s lush tropical rainforests, evocative scenery and stunning flora, using them as a springboard to press the limits of their creativity and clay’s materiality in a nurturing, immersive environment. Experimentation, texture and individual interpretation will sit at the heart of this workshop, provoking the creation of unexpected and surprising works.

The workshop will be at Gaya Ceramic Art Centre, one of the island’s preeminent creative hubs.

Places are filling fast. For more information and to register your interest, please contact Gaya Ceramics.


For the kids …

Young people make some astounding work. At these workshops, their imagination, freshness and inventiveness is nurtured and nourished by Juz Kitson, who allows them to explore ideas without limits and translate those ideas into pieces that we hope will take them on a creative path that will last for decades.

Three one-day Kids Workshops will be held in 2023, each open to 10-17 year olds. Beginners are very welcome. Each participant will make 1-2 finished pieces and make new friends over the day. Materials and lunch are included.

Juz is also available for workshops at both primary and secondary schools. Her incursions are immersive and inspiring, encouraging young artists to expand their knowledge of clay and their expectations of what they can create. Interested schools should contact The Art House Milton for more details.


Workshops that explore and expand

Clay is a medium limited only by the inventiveness of the creator. It’s breath-taking qualities are taken to their limits in Juz Kitson’s transformative workshops: natural - and sometimes supernatural - forms emerge as participants explore new notions of clay’s organic qualities and boundaries. They will be inspired by nature, by their surroundings on the stunning South Coast and by one-on-one time with Juz.

The three-day Masterclass will explore the outer boundaries of clay and provide a deep understanding of the properties of porcelain and other clay bodies. Each participant will be encouraged to investigate and push the material in unexpected directions while working in a dynamic, engaging, and nurturing environment.

The two-day workshops are open to anyone with an interest in work with clay. No experience is needed, just a desire to create.

And for those who want to dive deep into their practice, there are still a few places available in the 13-day workshop with Juz in Ubud, Bali, from March 5-18 2023.

The Future is your Ocean Oyster 2020

The Future is your Ocean Oyster 2020


The Future Is Your Ocean Oyster

25 August – 12 September 2020

Juz Kitson’s exhibition, The future is your ocean oyster, opened on 25 August 2020 at Jan Murphy Gallery and can be viewed online.

This body of work brings together a series of extraordinary talismanic wall sculptures, free-standing porcelain sculptures and framed relief works. The freestanding sculptures and hand-built porcelain urns are an exciting new direction for Kitson. They speak to her experience of the 2019 bushfires that threatened her home studio on the south coast of NSW, and also the extraordinary capacity for regeneration she has witnessed in nature.

Kitson’s otherworldly objects combine the dexterous arts of ceramics, textiles and drawing with a strong sense of materialism and process. Overtly seductive, the works’ tension lies in resisting craft conventions and recontextualising a traditional material steeped in history. Bound with mystique and feminine power, Kitson’s sculptures are both captivating and unnerving, touching gently on a raw, surrealist nerve.


Full house at The Art House Milton

Sam Gold and Eloise White resided at The Art House Milton for a 6-week and 2-week period as part of our Internship Program. They actively assisted Juz Kitson with the creation of her works which were to be included in her exhibition titled, The future is your ocean oyster at Jan Murphy Gallery.

Learn more about The Art House Milton Internship Program.

Interns: Eloise White and Sam Gold

Interns: Eloise White and Sam Gold