• Studio Internship & Mentorship Program •


2-8week Professional Development program with Juz Kitson.

The Art House Milton Internship Program offers an indelible opportunity for an emerging ceramic artist or sculptor from Australia or overseas to immerse themselves in a professional contemporary art studio full-time. This is a professional development program for an emerging artist or university graduate (no age restrictions) Working alongside Juz Kitson to manage a professional creative arts practice, the intern will learn how to run and manage a studio, deal with galleries, plan projects and handle commissions involves both practical and financial skills. Interns work closely alongside Juz Kitson to make sure all projects run smoothly, gaining invaluable insights and a plentitude of new knowledge and ideas along the way.

Interns will engage in practical skills and techniques, working alongside Juz as both studio technician and admin assistant. They will learn traditional notions of ceramics and how to re-contextualise a material steeped in history in addition to being mentored on how to develop a body of work on a large scale for a solo show, approach galleries and museums for exhibitions, talk with curators, apply for grants and install exhibitions.

The internship is based on an individualised agreement and exchange between the intern and Juz Kitson in the lead-up to the program.  

Successful previous intern applicants from 2019-2023 include:

Sam Gold (Adelaide), Eloise White (Sydney), Anne Sophie Guerinaud (France), Ziynet Hidiroglu (Turkey), Rebecca Mathews (England)

Accommodation is not included; participants need to make arrangements for the duration of their internship. Juz will help to organise this with each intern based on their needs.

There is strictly no payment involved in this program. It is a mentorship & internship program.

Applications Accepted All Year Round

“Interning with Juz for three weeks was everything and then some. I learnt so much about what it takes to be an established full-time contemporary artist. I enjoyed every bit of my time with Juz. She is an remarkably kind and fun, and such an authentic person. Eloise White and I feel so lucky to be walking away from this experience with a friendship for life.”

— Sam Gold, South Australia (intern, August 2020)


• Internship & Mentorship Program Details •


• Qualifications •

Individuals applying for an internship position must have experience in ceramics (Ideally graduate degree or the like) and an interest in pursuing their own knowledge and practice in making, firing, and running a professional ceramic studio. Proficiency in English is essential. 

Desirable skills and attributes include having a creative zest for life, strong foundation in hand-building, commitment and a strong work ethic, dexterous with their hands, a good understanding of the ceramic process, a friendly and warm personality, a willingness to learn new skills and the ability to multi-task while having fun and working as part of a team.

• Agreement •

The intern will commit to offering 40 hours per week of hands-on assistance in the studio.

The internship will be for a minimum 2 weeks and maximum of 8weeks

The intern will be willing to be involved in a range of activities at the studio see ‘Roles and Responsibilities’).

If the successful applicant wishes to apply for a grant to help support the cost of their internship, Juz will provide a letter of offer and further assist with the grant application process if required.

More information about the project and particulars will be shared with the intern during the interview process.

There is strictly no payment involved in this program.

• Accommodation and Transport•

Accommodation is not included. Interns are responsible for organising their own accommodation during their stay. There are many accommodation options in Milton, Mollymook, Narrawallee, Ulladulla and the surrounding Shoalhaven region, ranging from Airbnb private rooms or entire cottages and homes to high-end hotels, motels, beautiful beach-side camping areas and caravan parks. Juz will help arrange accomodation to fit each interns needs.

We recommend regularly checking sites such as Airbnb, Booking.com and Agoda for available accommodation. Feel free to get in contact if you need help choosing a suitable place.

Given the limited access to public transport in the area surrounding the studio, it is highly recommended that the intern has access to their own transport during their internship with Juz.

Interns: Eloise White and Sam Gold

Interns: Eloise White and Sam Gold

• Duration •

A minimum of two weeks is preferred for this internship so that the intern(s) can gain the most from the experience.

All interns - regardless of whether they are Australian or non-Australian residents - are solely responsible for booking their own accommodation, all travel to and from Milton and any necessary visa costs and fees.


• Role & Responsibilities •

  • Assisting on a daily basis as Juz Kitson’s studio technician. Activities may include working on developing a body of work for exhibitions, organising transport and logistics, packing works and admin work.

  • Loading and unloading the kiln, firing or assisting with firing.

  • General daily clean-up and organisation of studio.

  • Assisting during workshops at The Art House Milton (if applicable).

Expand your creative skills and experience with clay.

If you are interested in the internship program, please send your application letter, references and CV.